Sunday, March 11, 2012
This video was made by Studio 20 NYU in collaboration with  It is a brief explanation as to what hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is and what controversies have been associated with it.  It also fills the audience in with a little bit of history behind the practice and why major corporations are using this method to obtain energy.  It is very educational and quite catchy if I do say so myself.

The creators of this video attacked the image of hydraulic fracturing by explaining all of the potential hazards of the process.  I say 'potential' hazards only because there is not enough substantial evidence definitely proving a correlation to fracking.  Images of faucet water being caught on fire and animations of toxic chemicals being leaked into the atmosphere make gas drilling seem like the most terrible idea ever.

The message that is being delivered in the video is not to deliberately throw fracking underneath the bus, but to explain that there should be stricter regulations on the method.  They acknowledge that there is some good that could come from gas drilling, like lowered foreign fuel dependency and increased job availability.  However, until regulations are tightened to make fracking safer, the government should shut all fracking wells down to prevent further physical damages to the environment and to the population.

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