Wednesday, March 14, 2012

In this video, Reason TV's Nick Gillespie interviews science correspondent Ronald Bailey about the hydraulic fracturing controversy.  Bailey offers his take on the situation and offers explanations on the real problems with the method of gas drilling.  He provides insight on the many questions that skeptics have asked and gives counter statements on the claims that many critics of fracking have given.

Bailey claims that the technology used in hydraulic fracturing is over 60 years old and believes that there is nothing wrong with the current method of drilling.  He backs this up with the fact that over 100,000 wells are dug each year in the United States.  Bailey blames the contamination of water wells on the poor construction of some drill sites.  He says that the cement casing of the channels that force the water, sand and chemicals into the ground are to blame for the pollution.  Bailey believes that this should not be enough to totally shut down the wells and that the benefits of fracking should override critics claims that it is unsafe.

Whether or not the cement casings are to blame, the dig sites should be shut down for the greater good of the environment.  Even if there is one thing that is a weak point in the technology of fracking, the technology is flawed.  There is no way that someone can say that the technology is fine when there a incidents where water wells, that supply humans with drinking water, are being contaminated with harmful pollutants such as benzene and formaldehyde.  No matter how old the technology is, if people are being negatively affected by it, then there is obviously a flaw somewhere.

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