Friday, April 27, 2012

Jacob Talley
ENGL 1200-081
Mellisa Tetterton
27 April 2012
Cover Letter
            For my fourth and final project, I chose to revise the first project, the rhetorical analysis.  I made several changes to my paper that I believe made it a stronger read.  Besides all of the minor grammar and punctuating corrections, I worked to improve the amount of detail given in my thesis.  I went further into detail what the positive and negative effects of hydraulic fracturing would be and I think that it lures the reader in a bit more because it tells them what they are about to read.  I also worked to add more explanations and detail to my transitions between paragraphs.  I believe this helps the paper flow better than did previously.  It also tightens up a few loose ends in regards to detail that I left out last time.  I also joined a couple of paragraphs together to make it a stronger paragraph as a whole and worked to better wrap up my information in the conclusion.
            After enrolling in this course and learning better quality writing techniques, I read my original project and could not help but wonder what I was thinking.  My thoughts were unorganized and I left out many key details several times.  I feel as though this course has made me a much stronger informative writer.  I feel like I now process my thoughts better and can translate them more efficiently to the paper.  This course has helped me grasp the concept of ethos, which is a crucial part in any type of writing you do.  I am more confident in my ability to produce a quality work and understand the topic at hand when it comes to a writing assignment.  I am definitely a different writer now than when I was at the beginning of the semester and the techniques I have learned will stay with me through the rest of my college career.  I now feel like my papers will be cleaner, more informative and easier to read as a result of my education in English 1200.

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